17. Popular Pursuits
A recent national survey concluded that the most popular hobby in North America is gardening. Who knew? For sure, nothing is sweeter than home grown carrots or corn, fresh from the garden.
However, another popular hobby is genealogy. We humans have a hunger to know about our ancestors. Were they famous or mere rascals? What kind of lives did they lead? Where did they live and how did they survive the difficult times of war, famine, and pestilence? How did our ancestors come to this country? Hence, our interest in genealogy. And what great fun it would be to uncover an ancient relative who fought in the Civil War or perhaps fought in the War of Independence?
And one of the greatest tools for genealogy researchers is our amazing Internet. Through the Internet, you can access census records, military records, cemetery photos, birth, death, and marriage records, etc. Inexpensive computer applications make it easy to capture, store and organize your family tree information.
Another more fun statistic: the number one Internet search topic: Pornography!
Who knew?
For information on how to get started on your own family history quest, join your local genealogical society.
Ron Gilmore
Email: rvg3@me.com
Website: https://www.rgenealogy.ca