57. Capturing Family History – Another Idea


We spend endless hours on our computers. We write notes to friends, colleagues, team members, organizations, politicians, editors, and a host of other folks. We pass on funny jokes and interesting videos. Much of this dialogue sits on our computer until the day you do some clean up and send to the “Trash” all the messages in your “Sent” folder. Then, you go through your “Inbox” and delete all the hundreds of messages that you should have deleted, especially all the advertising. Hopefully, your email world has now been decluttered until the next time.


So, one hundred years from now, one of your ancestors is wondering what your daily life was like?


Well, one way is to capture some of your yearly dialogue. Print off, in chronological sequence, all your “Sent” messages for the year. Store these in a 3-ring binder. There are many ways to capture views of your life and interests, but this is one way.


Ron Gilmore


Email:                rvg3@me.com


Website:            https://rgenealogy.ca