After a lifetime of collecting family history information, records and artifacts, I began researching our family with links to Ireland, Scotland, England and Alsace Lorraine (currently, part of France).  I joined a genealogical society in California and began to share some of these learnings.  This has led to me developing a series of presentations of contemporary genealogical topics and sharing those with other genealogical societies in USA and Canada.  In addition, I have written dozens of articles on various family history topics.  Recently, I have developed a series of book reviews on a variety of genealogy books.  All ready to share.  

Ron Gilmore - Family Historian




A lifetime student, I now love to share my lessons and experiences in researching in genealogy.



Born in Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, I secured my B Sc in Electrical Engineering at University of Manitoba and worked for General Electric and IBM before returning to University of Waterloo to obtain my M. Math in Computer Science. Upon graduation, I moved to Ottawa and spent 10 years with a large computer service bureau. Returning west to Calgary, I spent 10 years with a national management consulting, obtaining my CMC (Certified Management Consultant) designation, before establishing my own practice where I pursued successful consulting work for over 30 years. My assignments took me to large corporations and government departments across Canada as well as work in Europe and the USA. Upon retirement, I began to pursue our family history.
During my professional career, I was regularly invited to speak on numerous occasions to clients and industry groups. My technology management articles have been published in multiple industry magazines.
For the past decade, I have presented on genealogy topics to numerous genealogical societies in USA and Canada with a special focus on Ireland.  





The following are some comments from folks who have attended some of my presentations.


1. "As always, your presentation was excellent and so full of good information (rather mind-boggling)." -  Sondra Lucas, President of the Palm Springs Genealogical Society, April 2023 on my presentation entitled "Ireland's Name Books".


2. "We had a very positive response from our attendees today. Your presentation was very informative and enjoyable. I went to lunch with a group after the meeting and all said they would like to have you back next year." - Susan Marsden, Program Chair, North San Diego County Genealogical Society, February 2023 on my presentation entitled "Hands On Ireland". 


3. "Sure enjoyed your presentation last week. That's the kind of story one of my daughters really enjoys. She says don't tell me a story until you find some dirt." - Paula Parmalee, Program Chair, Root Cellar Genealogical Society, Sacramento, October 2022 on my presentation entitled "Murder and Consequences".


4. "Hey Ron a really nice presentation as always. I had to smile a couple of times during the presentation, on my last assignment before I retired I had a British corporal assigned to me who had an Irish accent. One time I took him to lunch, and the ignorant American in me came out when I asked how could an Irishman be in the British forces. He said he was from Northern Ireland and was English. I knew better and had to apologize to him. Life is always full of surprises. - Ken Lewis, Newsletter Editor, Moreno Valley Genealogical Society, September 2022 on my presentation entitled "Ireland's Tithe Applotments".


5. "We're looking forward to having you lead another great workshop for us on Saturday, May 7.  Thanks again for sharing your time and expertise with the members and friends of the Victoria Genealogical Society " - Melanie Arscot, Program Chair of the Victoria Genealogical Society,  March 2022, on my presentation entitled "Ireland's Griffith Valuation"





I do not charge a fee for my presentations.  Rather, I always appreciate some small token of your organization (a T-shirt, coffee mug, etc.) as a remembrance of my visit.  If you are determined to spend money, you can make a small donation to the good folks who, some years ago, encouraged me to join the genealogy movement, the Sun City Shadow Hills Genealogy Club (  


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