Handout – Ireland’s Thom’s Directories
This series of annual directories of Ireland are now online and can provide some truly helpful information for genealogists. Content includes:
Whew! That is a lot of material. The series originated around 1836 and continued up until 1945. Some years are not yet available online, and content varies slightly by supplier.
This content is available from three primary sources:
FIndmypast: https://www.findmypast.com
Includes national directories like those by Pigot, Slater, and Thom back to 1793.
Open FIndmypast
Select “Search”
Select “Directories & Social History”
Select “Directories & Alamanacs”
Check “Ireland” from Country menu
Check“Ireland, Thom;s Directory, 1844 – 1900”
Compose your specific search requests.
Mostly Thom’s records 1836 – 1947
Navigation: Open Ancestry in your browser
Navigate to the “Card Catalog”
Enter “Thom” in Keyword menu and hit enter
Select “Ireland, City and Regional Directories, 1836-1947
Enter your search requests.
My favorite source of easy navigation is Ask About Ireland. This is a joint venture project funded by a group of museums, libraries and archives in Ireland.
Navigation: Open askaboutireland.ie in your browser
Select “Griffith’s Valuation”
Select “Thoms”
Enter your search requests.
As always, “Where” information for Irish searches is extremely valuable is assisting your research.
Ron Gilmore
Last Updated: April 18, 2023