By William J. Roulston

2005, Published by the Ulster Historical Foundation

ISBN 978-1-903688-53-3

And you thought that all the records for Ireland were destroyed in the massive fire of the Four Courts in Dublin during the 1922 Irish Civil War?  Not! 

Roulston takes us through a mountain of existing records of Ireland with a focus on genealogists, Ulster, and the Scots Irish.  What a bonus to find a book that understands genealogists.  We find records in the following categories:

  • Church Records – all of them including the Huguenots and many other denominations
    • Gravestone inscriptions
    • 17th Century records
    • 18th Century records
    • Landed estate records
    • Deeds
    • Wills and testamentary papers
    • Election records
    • Local government records
    • Military records
    • Newspapers
    • Genealogical collections.

For each category, Roulston tells us where the records are located and how to access them, including some cool examples, always with a focus on genealogy.  I would be remiss if I did not mention the Miscellaneous records that include data such as those files on those poor folks who were excommunicated in Derry in 1667.

The appendices list pre-1800 church records for Ulster, pre-1800 estate collections, records that can be found at the parish level, and detailed county maps. 

A great winter read!  I found two specific sets of records that are now on my list to track down on my next trip to Ireland.

Ron Gilmore

Last Updated: March 2022

