Book Review – Your DNA Guide the book by Diahan Southard
ISBN 978-1-7346139-0-2, Print, 2020, paperback, 238 pages.

I ordered my copy online via the website
Not like a novel that you read from start to finish but you will want to read it all eventually if you are pursuing an unknown ancestor. Specifically, this is a workbook that will take you step by step, through a complicated flow chart. That means that you will jump back and forth between the various segments while you chase your goal. And you will reread some of those segments just to make sure that you have understood. Simple “Yes” and “No” answers will guide you to your next steps on your path. Grab a couple of extra bookmarks to keep at hand and start your project worksheet right away.
You will learn more than a bunch of new acronyms and you will also learn a lot about DNA along the way. I was looking for my Irish second great-grandmother and this book promises to lead me right over my 20-year Brick Wall.
This book is well written, conversational in tone, and made for every person, regardless of your knowledge level of family history and DNA. Diahan writes as if she was sitting right beside you, coaching you through a math exam. Great fun and she does have a wee sense of humor.
If you have had your DNA tested and you have an ancestor that you need to find, this is the book for you. Take the journey into the past with a proven and trustworthy guide.
Ron Gilmore
Last Updated: March 27, 2022