He was a true loner. He lived alone in a tiny bungalow in a remote suburb of Chicago. He had no visible friends but each day, he trudged off to work and returned later in the day to then merely disappear inside his home.
This pattern never changed until the day he died. Municipal officials soon descended upon the little house. Neighbors eventually learned a bit about the strange old man. He was an immigrant from Eastern Europe who had worked nearby as a school custodian. And, he had saved an amazing amount of money during his bleak, lonely life. His bank account totaled almost an astounding $11 million.
An estate agency soon took on the challenge of finding potential family members. After two years of genealogical research, the agency found over 100 relatives in Europe who would share in the estate. These folks would inherit the $11 million, less the estate agency fees. Who knew?
Join your local genealogical society and learn how to track down your family members. Lawyers may yet prove to be some of the best genealogists as they search for family members or descendants of abandoned estates. Estate agencies provide a great service in seeking out family members.
Ron Gilmore
Email: rvg3@me.com
Website: https://www.rgenealogy.ca