Most of these articles were published in a monthly community magazine which restricted the size of each piece to approximately 200 words.  While this often restricted the article, it also generated bite-sized items which are highly consumable by our short attention span society.  A few of the pieces are longer, more detailed items. 

You can download a copy of any of these by merely clicking on  the title.  Feel free to share these pieces as you see fit.  All we ask is a small attribution.  Enjoy!

Year 2019

  1. Building a Family Tree – How to Start
  2. Adoptions and Family History
  3. Jewish Family History
  4. Irish Blood?
  5. Were Your Ancestors Aboard the Mayflower?
  6. DNA – What’s It All About?
  7. Iceland & Genealogy
  8. Birth Certificates Become More Complicated
  9. SAR – Sons of the American Revolution

Year 2020

  1. A Little Encouragement 
  2. Lincoln Letter
  3. Genealogical Artifacts
  4. Genealogical Sources
  5. Witches in Your Family Tree
  6. Genealogy and LGBTQ? 
  7. DAR – Daughters of the American Revolution
  8. Popular Pursuits
  9. It Was Just a Birthday Party
  10. Colonial Dames
  11. Genealogy and the Pandemic
  12. Dog Licenses for Irish Genealogy Research? Are You Kidding?

Year 2021

  1. World Timeline
  2. DNA Doe Project
  3. French Revolutionary Calendar
  4. Les Optants
  5. The Eyes Glaze Over
  6. No One Gets Out of This Game Alive
  7. Facebook and Genealogy
  8. Cousins of All Flavors
  9. YouTube and Genealogy
  10. Distant DNA Connections

Year 2022

  1. 1950 American Census
  2. What’s in a Name?
  3. Shipwrecks and Genealogy
  4. Pinterest and Genealogy
  5. Skills of a Genealogist
  6. Hidden Family Secrets
  7. Hyphenated names? 
  8. Surname Extinction
  9. Endogamy and Genealogy
  10. Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy
  11. Why Genealogy?
  12. Genealogical Serendiptiy

Year 2023

  1. Family Heirlooms
  2. Old Letters in a Shoebox
  3. Family Reunions
  4. Old Letters in a Suitcase
  5. Name Changes
  6. The Care and Cleaning of Headstones
  7. Capturing the Memories of Old Family Photos
  8. Photographs and Digital Formats
  9. Chicago Millionaire Saga
  10. Travelers in Ireland

Year 2024

  1. Christmas Newsletters
  2. Family Expressions
  3. Obituaries – A Changing Landscape
  4. Capturing Family History – Another Idea
  5. DNA History
  6. Interviewing for Genealogy
  7. The Last King of Afghanistan
  8. Dead Names
  9. The Incredible Shrinking Cousin Count
  10. Postage Stamp DNA
  11. Timelines Generate Genealogy Records
  12. Adoptees in America
  13. Hiring a Professional Genealogist


Last Updated:  Jan 2025