The has been a gender revolution underway for at least the past decade.  Many folks have a sexual preference for people of the same gender.  In many countries, this is deemed undesirable, even criminal.  Some countries still treat it that way.  Organized religion struggled with the concept.

Then, we had marriages of same-sex folks and the arrival of their families.   We also witnessed the advent of surrogate mothers and sperm banks.  Now, we have folks who are classified as Transgender, Q, Free Spirit or Pansexual?  A bit confusing for some.  What is next? 

These events generate a host of questions for genealogists:

  • How does my software handle Transgender?
  • How do I know someone is Transgender?
  • How do I designate a surrogate mother?
  • Do I designate a surrogate?
  • How to enter a same-sex couple in my tree?
  • Can you track a sperm bank donor?


Surrogates and sperm bank donors will show up in DNA results.  How confusing?

Sorry if I have “stirred the pot” a bit with these questions but the present is upon us.  Genealogists need to understand these issues.

Join your local genealogical society, and learn about these issues and some solutions. 

Ron Gilmore

