The ancient Irish referred to these folks as “The walking people”, meaning that they were perpetually on the move from place to place, providing seasonal labor or selling crafts, horses, and dogs. These folks had their own culture, language, and practices. They were most often maligned as thieves. Shopkeepers and village residents would often go out of their way to ensure that the Travelers kept on walking.
In more recent times, they were called Gypsies or Romani, but these appellations were incorrect despite the fact they then often traveled in barrel-shaped horse-drawn wagons, much like those that could be found in Eastern Europe. We saw some of these wagons when we toured Ireland in 1973. The Travelers were native to the Emerald Isle and managed to survive through Ireland’s extremely turbulent past.
Today, they are referred to as Travelers. They still are on the move but now, they travel in small caravans with modern camping trailers. They are still stigmatized and prefer to isolate among their own.
The Travelers have their own unique DNA groupings which prove they are of Irish aboriginal descent. Irish Travelers speak English and sometimes one of two dialects of Shelta, their unique language. Some famous descendants of the Travelers include actor Sean Connery.
Common Irish Traveler Family Names
Berry, Brown, Cash, Carmody, Carthy, Casey, Cassidy, Cawley, Clark, Collins, Connors, Conroy, Corcoran, Cunningham, Delaney, Doherty, Donoghue/ O’Donoghue, Donovan, Doran, Dunne, Flynn, Furey, Gallagher, Green, Hanafin/Hannifin, Hand, Hanley, Hanrahan, Harper, Hennessey, Joyce, Keating, Keenan, Kerrigan, Kiely, Lawrence, Lee, Lynch, Maguire, Malone, Maloney, Maughan, Mongan, Moorehouse McCarthy, MacDonald, McDonagh, MacDonnell, MacAleer, McCann, McDonnell, McGinley, McInerney, MacLoughlin, McRea, Nevin, Nolan, O’Donnell, O’Reilly/ Reilly, Power, Purcell, Price, Quinn, Stokes, Sweeney, Ward, Wall, Windrum.
Learn more about the Travelers and other ethnicities by joining your local genealogicial society.
Ron Gilmore