We seem to have a hunger to know where we come from.  Who were our ancestors?  Were we related to royalty or pirates?  What is my ethnicity?  French?  Danish?  Croatian?   Was I adopted?  Did my ancestors fight in the Civil War? So many questions lay unanswered.

Well, genealogy, tracing family lines of descent, can be a fun and fascinating hobby.  A growing hobby in North America, genealogy queries generate millions of Google searches daily.  Loads of Facebook groups are dedicated to genealogy.  YouTube videos on the topic abound.  Who knows, the Internet might just become your new best friend. 

New technology tools are available from many sources but your best help might be from folks with similar interests.  The demographic of the genealogical community suggests they have a common interest and a strong willingness to share and help others.  Countless educational courses are available at all levels both in person and online.  You can even learn how to read cursive handwriting!  There are books galore, blogs, course videos and helpful mentors. 

Think about what family history information you might be able to pass on to your children and grandchildren.  How about those old photo albums?  Even the photos with no names on the back might prove valuable.

What about those old family letters and post cards?  A family bible?  Military medals?  Old carbide lanterns?  Grandma’s favorite recipes.  So many items exist around us that can help add fiber and life to the world of your ancestors.  What to do when you are tasked to clean out your parent’s home when they pass?  The genealogy community has some answers. 

Start with what you know and launch a new career as a family history detective, uncovering the stories, legends, heroes, and skeletons of your own family. 

Join your local genealogical society.  You will find regular meetings with amazing speakers, conferences, technical support, minimal fees, research support, etc.   They may even have a library dedicated to the subject of genealogy. 

Ron Gilmore

Email:          rvg3@me.com

Website:    https://www.rgenealogy.ca