Who does not use YouTube?  This platform has an absolute bundle of great videos on a variety of genealogical topics.  Simply pop into Youtube.com on your browser.  For starters, select the “Ancestry” menu item on the top row.  This will bring up a selection of some 30 plus videos on topics ranging from the general, beginner items through to more detailed DNA sessions. 

Alternatively, you can type in “Genealogy” into the Search bar and this will generate another host of family history topics such as below:

  1. Genealogy
  2. Genealogy research
  3. Genealogy of morals
  4. Genealogy of Jesus
  5. Genealogy TV
  6. Genealogy of red, black and white
  7. Genealogy roadshow
  8. Genealogy DNA
  9. Genealogy gems
  10. Genealogy of the holy war
  11. And much, much more.

Another option – enter “Family History” into the Search bar.  More information and entertainment!  Be sure to add YouTube to your family history toolkit.  When it is uncomfortable to go outside, maybe spend an hour or so wandering through the library of YouTube genealogy items.

YouTube may also be your “Go To” source for technical assistance with your genealogical software.  When you are stuck on a particular issue with your software, look for a YouTube video that will explain the issue and some solutions.  YouTube has been my inseparable partner for my recent project to rebuild my website. 

If you need more, join your local genealogical society for ongoing seminars and other learning opportunities.  More importantly, you will find kindred spirits who may be able to help you with your research. 

Ron Gilmore

Email:         rvg3@me.com

Website:     https://www.rgenealogy.ca