
The story began with a single old black and white photo of a man on a motorcycle, surrounded by a group of men dressed in attire reminiscent of the “Roaring Twenties”.  No writing on the back of the photo but the man bore a slight resemblance to my grandfather.  So began the search for the family saga.


  1. – PRONI (Public Records Office of Northern Ireland)
  2. – Ros Davies maps – Ros provided the maps and road intersection clues to the location of the shooting
  3. – Family Ulster research group – researcher Brian Watson (who had performed previous family history research on my behalf) retrieved the inquest records from PRONI within days.
  4. – Irish Civil Records – tracking down Robert Gilmore, his family and his fiancé.
  5. – Irish Census records for 1901 and 1911. 
  6. – British Newspapers Archive


As with all Ireland research, place names represent a huge challenge (at least for us non-natives).  Most names are Gaelic in origin, and many have morphed over the years.   Hence, researchers need to gather as many clues as possible about “where” before launching their search.  In this research, I was assisted by cousins who live in the area and Ros Davies.    

Facebook Groups

  1. Banbridge Historical Society – where I first posted the old photo.  Initially, I received a comment from a chap who indicated that the “Man on a Motorcycle” was indeed a Gilmore but could add nothing further.  It turns out that he was a cousin!  A year later, I posted the same photo and a chap suggested I post the photo on a nearby site.
  2. Banbridge “Back in the Day” – when I posted the photo here, a gentleman named Matt Bankhead immediately posted two old newspaper articles regarding the inquest into the shooting death of the “Man on a Motorcycle”.  He also referenced a third article.

Other Sources

  1. – Wikipedia – information on the Irish B Specials and the Irish Civil War

Ron Gilmore

Last updated:  December 20, 2024

